By OSF HealthCare System
The Histology Game: GI Edition is a study resource for people learning histology in graduate medical education programs. The app provides access to over a hundred high quality images and helpful descriptions of the important cells, tissues, and structures that compose the organs of the GI system.
The app contains three game modes of escalating difficulty to test yourself. The timed questions provide a new challenge to beat your old score with each login. The game questions are randomized each session, and they adapt to your previous play through.
- Toggle between high quality images of gastrointestinal slides at low and high power
- View hand drawn outlines for important cells, tissues, and structures
- Examine gastrointestinal organs and learn their important features with explore mode
- Test your histology knowledge in game mode with three difficulty settings
- Enjoy endless replays as questions are randomized for each session
- Detailed rationale for each question is clearly described in case you answer incorrectly
- Randomization adapts to your scores; previously missed items are prioritized in later game sessions
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